Multi-Channel Fundraising Integration Matters …
… now more than ever especially with Millennial Donors
Direct mail was once a stand-alone program often separated from other development and communications activities.
Today, nonprofits have more avenues than ever to engage with donors; however, fundraisers should keep in mind that donors are facing a barrage of marketing messages constantly. A thoughtful direct mail campaign executed in coordination with reinforcing digital efforts can work wonderfully in concert to engage and convert more multi-channel donors:
Recent studies underscore the benefits of multi-channel integration especially among millennials. Nonprofits and fundraisers should take notice as this large generation is increasingly becoming a powerful force in charitable giving.
Consider these numbers from the USPS …
85% of millennials take the time to look through their mail to make sure they’re not discarding useful information.
68% of millennials would be upset if they no longer received mail.
79% of millennials look forward to seeing what they’ve received in their mailbox.
52% of millennials are more likely to make a purchase from a company that advertises to them using both direct mail and digital methods.
Compared with the Gen X and baby boomer generations, millennials are the most likely to take action on marketing mail. So direct mail is certainly not dead and will be just as important as ever in nonprofits’ multi-channel fundraising strategy right now and well into the future.